Credentialing and Scope of Practice Application Form - Supporting Personnel

Application for appointment and scope of clinical practice as an accredited practitioner.

"*" indicates required fields

Application Type*

Personal and Contact Information

Preferred Title*
(e.g. Dr, Mr, A/Prof; Prof)
Date of Birth*

Home Address*
Mailing Address
Mailing Address

Mobile Phone Number*
Other Phone Numbers

Email Address*

Emergency Contact Person

Emergency Contact*
Other Phone Numbers
(for Hospital invitation list)

Professional Practice Details

Business Address (Primary Consulting Room)*
Business Address (Other Consulting Rooms)

Professional Registration Details

Max. file size: 512 MB.
Registration Details*
Are there any conditions or undertakings currently attached to this registration?*
Have you ever been subject to an adverse finding or had conditions or undertakings attached to your registration by a medical board, dental board, or other registration board (as appropriate)?*

Professional Indemnity

Max. file size: 512 MB.
Indemnity Insurance*
Does your membership fully cover the scope of clinical practice you have applied for?*
Has your medical defence insurer or any medical defence insurer or fund of which you have been a member ever applied conditions or refused to renew your cover or membership (in part or in full)?*
Are there any current claims against you with your insurer, Medical Board (or other Registration Board) or Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO)?*

Medico Legal*

* This information is required to assess an application for scope of clinical practice and will only be used by Townsville Day Surgery for such purposes. Information provided will not be disclosed otherwise.
Have there ever been any adverse findings made against you which would be relevant to your appointment (for example: breach of insurance/medical laws, professional misconduct, sexual assaults or assault) by the OHO, a Medical or Registration Board, a Health Care Complaints Commission/Body, a Coroner, a Court or any other negligence, professional, disciplinary or similar body?*
Criminal Record Check – Have you been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to a criminal offence including a serious sex or violence offence or an offence involving dishonesty or drugs (other than a spent conviction)?*
Max. file size: 512 MB.
(Please attach copy of your Immunisation History Statement)

Clinical Practice sought in the following category(s)*
Priveleges Sought*

Primary Undergraduate Qualification

(Please list below or attach CV at the end of this form)
List one qualification per line

Postgraduate Qualifications, Degrees, Diplomas, College or Professional Qualifications

(Please list below or attach CV and copies of qualification/s at the end of this form)
List one qualification per line

Professional development over past 3 years

(Please list below or attach CV at the end of this form)
List one qualification per line

Current Public Hospital Appointments

(Please list below or attach CV at the end of this form)
List one per line

Have you previously been refused clinical privileges at another health care facility?*
Has your scope of clinical practice and/or appointment at any Hospital or Day Procedure Centre ever been reduced, suspended or revoked (including if done by mutual agreement) or have you had conditions attached to that appointment for any reason?*
Have you ever been disciplined, undergone or been required to take (remedial or otherwise) a program, course or therapy for workforce, professional or personal behaviour related to your practice, or to your credentials at a health facility?*

Details of all Health Care related employment within the last 10 years

(Please list below or attach CV at the end of this form)
List one per line


Please upload required documents below. If you have already upload the file listed in the above sections of this form, please disregard that line.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
(if applicable)
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
(if applicable)
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Hand Hygiene:

(Certificate from another hospital or education program acceptable)

Max. file size: 512 MB.

Declaration and Authority

I authorise the Townsville Day Surgery to release my contact details, including mobile phone number, to other VMO’s that currently hold clinical privileges at Townsville Day Surgery:*

I authorise Townsville Day Surgery Pty Ltd (‘Townsville Day Surgery’), its employees, officers and the Medical Advisory Committee, to obtain information on an annual, or as necessary, basis from the registration body/indemnity insurance organisation as nominated in this application, regarding the currency of my registration/membership of that body/organisation.
I authorise Townsville Day Surgery to conduct a criminal record check in respect of my history including information relevant to the provision of services to children and I agree to notify the Facility Manager or duly authorised person if I am convicted of a sex or violence offence or any other offence relevant to my practice as a Medical Practitioner.
I authorise Townsville Day Surgery, its officers and the Medical Advisory Committee to verify with relevant individuals, external organisations, and nominated referees the validity of all claims, including complaints made, including explicit consent for the organisation to verify my declaration regarding health status, professional registration history, claims and legal proceedings.
I declare that I have no physical or mental condition or substance abuse problem that could affect my ability to exercise the scope of clinical practice requested or that would require any special assistance in order to enable me to exercise that scope of clinical practice safely and competently. I undertake to notify Townsville Day Surgery if this statement becomes incorrect in the future.
I declare that my medical indemnity/professional indemnity cover is adequate and appropriate for the Clinical Privileges and activity which is the subject of this application.
I declare that I am the person named in this application and that the information provided by me in this application and in connection with this application is accurate and complete and is not misleading or deceiving or likely to mislead or deceive. I understand that if I have provided misleading or deceptive information, or information which is likely to mislead or deceive, that the Townsville Day Surgery Board may (in its absolute discretion) consider that I do not have ‘current fitness’ under the Medical Practitioners By-Laws.
I declare that my personal immunisation status is current for preventable diseases. I declare that I will continue to maintain the appropriate immunisation status for the duration of my clinical privileges.
In applying for appointment I acknowledge that I have been provided with, and read, a copy of the Medical Practitioners By-Laws and if appointed, agree to abide by the Medical Practitioners By-Laws and policies of the Townsville Day Surgery, including any annexure or variation to the Medical Practitioners By-Laws during the tenure of my appointment, all relevant legislative requirements (including compliance with Health Ombudsman Standards) and any terms and conditions which are attached to my appointment by the Board/Licensee. I understand that non-compliance with the Medical Practitioners By-Laws may be grounds for suspension, termination or imposition of conditions on my clinical privileges.
I undertake to notify Townsville Day Surgery promptly and in writing, if my scope of clinical practice is altered in any way at any other hospital or day procedure centre.
I agree to attend committee and clinical meetings at the facility to support my discipline within the facility, and to participate in any clinical quality assurance activity including submitting my practice to clinical audit and peer review, in conjunction with the hospital, the Medical Advisory Committee or clinical specialty committees if required by Townsville Day Surgery.
I undertake to notify Townsville Day Surgery should any information provided in this application for appointment vary in any way.
I acknowledge and agree to release and indemnify Townsville Day Surgery from and against all claims, including legal costs, out of a decision to suspend or terminate my accreditation or to not re-appoint me in circumstances set out in the Medical Practitioners By-Laws.
In the event of myself or the aforementioned practitioner(s) being unavailable in the case of an emergency, I am agreeable to the facility seeking urgent alternative assistance with authority to be exercised only after consultation with the Facility Manager or duly authorised person.
I understand that my Appointment will be reviewed in three (3) years or earlier if considered necessary.

Witness Name*